

  • 概述

    作为泽维尔兄弟赞助的外围博彩平台, we are centered in Christ and strive to create the time and space necessary for 反射, 祈祷, 分享信仰, 还有圣餐仪式.

    The 校园部 Program is an integral part of our students’ educational experience. We strive for growth and learning marked by:
    • 持久的人际关系
    • 管理上帝的创造
    • the centrality of religious instruction, spiritual formation, worship and 祈祷
    • 品格与道德发展
    • 和谐精神


  • 祈祷的机会

    The opportunity to pray is an important part of every person’s growth in faith. Because of this, we have the following opportunities for 祈祷:
    • 每日清晨玫瑰经
    • 听晚
    • 全校性的质量
    • 全校祷告服务
    • 宗教 Class Prayer services and Class Masses
  • 服务的机会

    In addition to the community service that students will complete on their own, 校园部 also provides opportunities for students to volunteer. Students can dedicate their time to the following activities:
    • 大X小X新生迎新会 
    • 新生欢迎社区之夜
    • St. 多米尼克外展中心 
    • 圣诞歌舞表演
    • 高级的参与
    • 给无家可归者的三明治
Xaverian provides different retreat experiences for the spiritual needs of their students. There are retreat experiences given to every student at least once a year, with optional retreats for students who wish to further explore their faith.



  • 约翰·多默的照片

    约翰 老虎 

    (718) 836-7100 x179
  • 塞尔瓦托 Tinervia的照片

    塞尔瓦托 Tinervia 97

    (718) 836-7100 x812
  • 帕特里克·德雷克斯勒摄

    帕特里克 德雷克斯勒 05

    (718) 836-7100 x843


成立于1957年, Xaverian is one of thirteen schools nationwide sponsored by the Xaverian Brothers.